Skin Solutions - Look Great, Feel Great
Cold Plasma - Dr Platon
What is cold plasma?
The Dr Platon aesthetic device employs the Plasma Shower technology to transform the main gases in the air between the device tip and the patient’s skin (mainly Oxygen & Nitrogen) to non-thermal plasma, in temperatures of 35-40 °C.


For patients suffering from acne (including adult acne, papules and pustules), atmosphetic cold plasma is extremely effective in:
Destroying P. acne bacteria
Quickly reducing skin inflammation
Soothing the Skin
Inflammation / Rosacea
The oxidative stress of cold atmospheric plasma has an anti-oxidant impact on the skin immune system.
It reduces the damaging effect of chronic skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, eczema , rosacea - which manifest as inflamed, irritated , dehydrated, rough skin.

Cold plasma therapy is a powerful anti-aging treatment. The atmospheric plasma:
Triggers division of the basal cells - Stimulates epidermal regeneration
Boosts production of new collagen
Stimulates formation of new blood vessels, thus assists in healing wounds
Strengthens the skin immune system and the epidermal barrier
Improves intercellular communication
Skin Rejuvenation